In the realm of business-to-business relationships, the journey doesn’t end when the deal is closed. In fact, it’s just the beginning. Having a robust post-sale customer service strategy is critical in B2B focused industries. The ways in which you handle post-sale customer service can make or break your client retention.

Research done by Salesforce has found that 88% of customers say that the experience a company provides is as important as its product or services. Because of this 81% of decision-makers are making significant investments to improve their employees’ training. In an environment where competition is strong, one bad interaction can turn a loyal customer into an advocate of a competitor.

Here’s why post-sale customer service matters:

  1. Retention and revenue: Satisfied clients are more likely to stay with your business, leading to higher customer retention rates and increased revenue.
  2. Client satisfaction: Outstanding post-sale customer service demonstrates your commitment to client success, fostering trust and loyalty with your clients.
  3. Referrals and reputation: Happy clients are your best advocates. Their positive experiences can lead to valuable referrals and enhance your reputation in the industry.

But how do you support your customer after a sale? The key is communication: make it clear that you’re here to be your client’s advocate.  To provide a high-level customer service, it is necessary to continue providing solutions to their evolving challenges.

More specifically, keep the following tactics in mind:

  1. Personalized support: Tailor your support services to each client’s specific needs and preferences. By personalizing, you show that you value their business and are committed to meeting their unique requirements.
  2. Timely and responsive communication: Be proactive in your communication. Keep clients informed about relevant updates and respond promptly to their queries and concerns.
  3. Consistent and reliable service: Establish clear service standards and ensure consistency across all interactions. Reliability builds trust and confidence in your brand.
  4. Continuous feedback and improvement: Solicit feedback from clients regularly and use this information to refine your customer service approach. Continuous improvement is key to meeting evolving client expectations.
  5. Value-Added services: Offer additional services or resources that can benefit your clients beyond the initial sale. This demonstrates your commitment to their long-term success.

Case Study: Improving Post-Sale Customer Experience

While working with Nationwide Bank, the Weber team looked to increase the number of client relationships per household by improving Nationwide Bank’s overall customer experience.  We started by identifying gaps in the customer experience through primary research channels. Based on the findings of this initial research, we mapped out the best experience for current Nationwide customers. Once there was understanding of the “perfect” customer experience, we then had to implement it. To bring this ideal state to life, Weber developed job training and jobs tools to educate and assist reps in delivering higher customer satisfaction, which managers supported with consistent coaching. These managers evaluated reps and gave feedback, establishing accountability for great service.

Through our work, Weber was able to help Nationwide achieve the following:

  1. An 8.7 out of 10 customer enthusiasm rating, the highest mark in Nationwide’s history.
  2. $23M in new deposit balances in the first fiscal quarter.
  3. A sustained 43% lift in service to sales.
  4. A 44% increase in customer retention.
  5. A month-over-month improvement in customer satisfaction, rising to 97% by the end of implementation.

A well-executed post-sale customer service strategy is paramount to the success of any B2B business. By focusing on personalized support, timely communication, and continuous improvement, you can enhance client satisfaction, drive retention, and position your business for long-term success.